Operations Engineering

Let’s face it building and managing complex systems is hard, let our experiences scaling thousands of systems further your success by helping build DevOps culture, bring in improved toolsets, and […]

Engineering Culture

Engineering is all about innovation, it’s not always about technical solutions to engineering problems a bad process can cause a project to go over budget, create outages, miss deadlines, etc. […]

Disaster Recovery

Let’s face it everything fails at some point, the only way to plan to succeed is to plan on failure. Create a DRP to help ensure that even should your […]


Even with all this “Cloud” technology that abstracts networking from you it still exists and if anything it has become increasingly harder to troubleshoot as you have less visibility into […]


Unless you understand what your applications are doing and how they work you can only protect it so much. I start with security at the application layer and work out […]

Digital Forensics

The preservation, collection, examination, and presentation of evidence in an acceptable method that will uphold in court. Do you have an employee that you think might be violating some company […]